Mercator Energy LLC functions as a end-user’s procurement agent. Because we are not a marketer selling you gas to meet our sales quotas and generate a profit margin, we can retain the same level of objectivity as the customer. We can help you choose form a number of supply options. We are not just selling you a commodity. Mercator stresses service, an approach that is all but forgotten by today’s mega-sized gas marketing companies.
As your procurement agent, Mercator analyzes the natural gas market from a macro-perspective, identifying all potential supplier, pipeline transportation, and utility cost savings. Working with you as your outsourced “employee”, we will design a customized plan to reduce your natural gas burner tip cost. Mercator keeps customers informed of macro and micro issues that can impact their burner tip cost.
Mercator has one primary goal in mind: obtaining the most economical and reliable has supply for our end-user customer base, something most marketers, whose focus is on the bottom line, are not inclined to do. By working with Mercator Energy, our customers can be secure in knowing industry professionals are managing their natural gas needs with a focus on the customer’s bottom line.